Dickens Society Blog: Call for Posts

Last year, the Dickens Society launched the Dickens Society Blog, aimed at disseminating Dickensian research both amongst the Society’s membership and to the larger academic community. We welcome ongoing submissions from researchers at any career level on any topic relating to Dickens’s life, work, or world – if you would like to submit a post on a forthcoming publication, an existing project or a think-piece on any topic, please get in touch.

Charles Dickens, dogThe Dickens Society Blog also welcomes targeted submissions of 800-1200 words on topics relating to Dickens and Animals. Suggested topics include but are not limited to:

– animal metaphor as an intrinsic aspect of many of Dickens’ characterisations,

– actual animals in or related to Dickens life and works, and

– the depiction of animals in adaptations of Dickens’ works.

Posts will be accepted up to 15 April 2017, to be posted between now and the end of April 2017. A new topic will be proposed for the months of May to August 2017.


Please email blog posts, proposals or any queries to emily.bell@york.ac.uk and catherine.quirk2@mail.mcgill.ca. The editor-in-chief is the current Dickens Society Vice-President, Sean Grass.

Dickens Society Blog

Dickens Society Blog

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