Dickens Society Blog: Call for Posts

“There are some places here,—oh Heaven how fine! I wish you could see the tower of the Palazzo Vecchio as it lies before me at this moment, on the opposite bank of the Arno! But I will tell you more about it, and about all Florence, from my shady arm-chair up among the Peschiere oranges.”

Charles Dickens to John Forster, 2 April 1845. From Florence.


The Dickens Society Blog aims at disseminating Dickensian research both amongst the Society’s membership and to the larger academic community. We welcome ongoing submissions from researchers at any career level on any topic relating to Dickens’s life, work, or world – if you would like to submit a post on a forthcoming publication, an existing project or a think-piece on any topic, please get in touch.

As we start to look forward to the 23rd Dickens Society Symposium to be held 30 July – 1 August 2018 in Tübingen, Germany (see here for more information), the Dickens Society Blog also welcomes targeted submissions of 800-1200 words on topics relating to International Dickens. Suggested topics include but are not limited to:

  • International settings in Dickens’s novels
  • Dickens’s own travels and travel writing
  • Reception, translation, and adaptation of Dickens and his works outside of England – both in his lifetime and today

Posts will be accepted up to 15 April 2018, to be posted between now and the end of April. A new topic will be proposed for the months of May to August.

Please email blog posts, proposals or any queries to emily.bell@york.ac.uk and catherine.quirk2@mail.mcgill.ca.

Dickens Society Blog

Dickens Society Blog

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