Call for Bursary Applications: Dickens Under Glass (Rochester, NY)

The Dickens Society annually provides bursaries to support the scholarly development of graduate students, independent scholars, and untenured faculty. For our Symposium in Rochester, NY this year, we will be offering bursaries for various social media responsibilities and assistance during the event. We will be asking bursary recipients to take over the Dickens Society Twitter account during the Symposium, help with administration duties during the conference, write a report of the papers to be disseminated afterwards through the Society’s channels, and/or contribute a blog post on a topic of their choosing for the Society blog within four months of the end of the event. To apply, graduate students, independent scholars, and untenured faculty whose papers have been accepted should send a one-page CV with a one-page cover letter to by 31 May 2023.

The one-page cover letter should discuss the relevance of the Symposium for your research and professional development, and should also outline the following:

  • Your own ideas for improving the social media presence of the event/any skills with Twitter/Facebook/YouTube and other relevant experience you can bring.
  • If relevant, a very brief idea for a blog post you might write for the society blog after the
  • Any relevant previous experience organising and/or attending online and in-person
    academic conferences.
  • The bursary winners will be announced in early June. If you have any queries, please email

Dickens Society Blog

Dickens Society Blog

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