Our Dickens

In Conversation With: Dr Chris Louttit

Chris Louttit is an Assistant Professor of English Literature at Radboud University in the Netherlands. He is the current Vice-President of the Dickens Society, having served previously as a Trustee and been a frequent participant at Dickens Society Symposia since 2004. His PhD was on...

A New Dickensian Venture

“I heard some voices, familiar in my ears I thought” Bleak House, ch. 37 The Dickens Society is excited to announce their latest venture in all things Dickensian, this one carefully curated for your ears, and thus for your walks, commutes, and relaxation. That’s right,...

Call for Papers: The 25th Annual Dickens Society Symposium

OUR DICKENS: DICKENS AND HIS PUBLICS 17th-19th July 2020, Bloomsbury, London   In 2020, the 150-year anniversary of Dickens’s death, the annual Dickens Society Symposium will take place in Bloomsbury, Dickens’s home for periods of time and where he produced some of his most memorable...