Tag: conference

#Dickens150: The First Global Online Gathering for Dickens

This conference report has been contributed by Renata Goroshkova, St. Petersburg State University, Russia. Read her most recent posts here and here. June 9 will definitely go down in the history of Dickens studies since it marked the first online large-scale zoom conference. #Dickens150, organized...

Dickens and the Carceral Archipelago

This post has been contributed by Spencer Dodd, University of Wisconsin-Stout. See more posts in response to the 24th Annual Dickens Society Symposium here and here. Prisons loom large in the landscapes of Dickens, standing as discrete, foreboding edifices within the quintessentially “Dickensian” backdrop of...

Call for Papers: The 25th Annual Dickens Society Symposium

OUR DICKENS: DICKENS AND HIS PUBLICS 17th-19th July 2020, Bloomsbury, London   In 2020, the 150-year anniversary of Dickens’s death, the annual Dickens Society Symposium will take place in Bloomsbury, Dickens’s home for periods of time and where he produced some of his most memorable...

Dickens and Language: The 23rd Annual Dickens Society Symposium

This post has been contributed by Bethan Carney and Carolyn Gonzalez At the tail end of July 2018, in a blistering heatwave,  more than 80Dickens Society members converged on the picturesque town of Tübingen, Germany for the 23rd Annual Dickens Society Symposium. Travelling from all...

Dickens and Germany, Germany and Dickens

This post has been contributed by Katherine Kim. In July and August of 2018, the Dickens Society Symposium was held for the first time in Germany.  As Natalie J. McKnight noted in her remarks on the first day of the event, Charles Dickens in fact...

CALL FOR PAPERS: 24th Annual Dickens Society Symposium, July 26-28, 2019 in Salt Lake City, UT

In July 2019, Dickens goes west, and into the mountains! The 24th Annual Dickens Society Symposium will be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, co-sponsored by the Dickens Society and Utah Valley University. Proposals from scholars, independent researchers, and graduate students on any topic related...

Dickens Society Blog: Call for Posts

At the end of July, the 23rd Dickens Society Symposium will be held at Tübingen University. More information can be found here. The research context at Tübingen links literary studies with linguistics. Hence, the conference invites papers on Dickens and Language, including (but not limited...

Dickens Day 2017

This post has been contributed by Beatrice Ashton-Lelliott, a PhD researcher studying magicians, both fictional and real, and conjuring in the nineteenth century. Find her on Twitter @beeashlell. Saturday 14th October saw a full house gather for the annual Dickens Day conference at Senate House...

Interdisciplinary Dickens, 14-16 July 2017

The following post by Chris Dickinson and Laurena Tsudama provides a summary of the 2017 Dickens Society symposium, Interdisciplinary Dickens. Submit your abstract for our 2018 symposium, Dickens and Language, taking place 30 July to 1 August 2018 in Tübingen, here. The 22nd annual Dickens Society...