Tag: Little Dorrit

Those ‘Dark Spirits’ Within Us: Interpretive Power & the Legacy of Fandom

This post is contributed by AV Nordgren (they/them), a last-semester graduate student at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign studying Library & Information Science with a focus on archives and special collections. Is Little Dorrit’s Miss Wade a lesbian? Or is reading her as such...

“Confess this minute … that you did it to correct and amend me!”: Gaslighting in Dickens’s Novels

This post is contributed by Dr. Katherine J. Kim, assistant professor at Molloy University in New York. Katherine’s other recent projects have been book chapters and articles on Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Dickens, and Catherine Crowe.  In the American Dialect Society’s Word of the Year...

The Bleak Old Shop of Stuff—TV Christmas Special Review

This post is contributed by Mads Golding. Mads is a playwright and writer currently pursuing an MA in English literature at Loyola University, Chicago. Her research interests include Dickens, Shakespeare, and theater. Mads currently serves as a member of the communications committee for The Dickens...

Deep Impressions: Dickens’s Encounters with Houselessness

This post has been contributed by Dr. Trish Bredar, a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities at Northwestern University. Her research focuses on representations of physical mobility in British literature of the long nineteenth century, with particular interests in gender, walking,...

#Dickens150: The First Global Online Gathering for Dickens

This conference report has been contributed by Renata Goroshkova, St. Petersburg State University, Russia. Read her most recent posts here and here. June 9 will definitely go down in the history of Dickens studies since it marked the first online large-scale zoom conference. #Dickens150, organized...

The Magic of Dickens’s Southwark

This post has been contributed by Amanda Harvey Purse. When we think of ‘Dickens’s London’, we may not instantly think of the borough of Southwark. This district however, packed a powerful punch for him, so much so that it played a vital role in Charles’s...

Matthias Bauer and Angelika Zirker on the Dickens Society YouTube Channel

Prof Matthias Bauer (Karls Eberhard University, Tübingen, Germany) and Asst Prof Angelika Zirker (Karls Eberhard University) have each published on the work of Charles Dickens individually, publishing several papers in collaboration. Bauer did his PhD on “David Copperfield” (1850) and has produced a number of...

“The Objectionable Dog”: Dog and Master as Metaphor in Little Dorrit

This post has been contributed by Clara Defilippis. Read her first post for the Dickens Society blog, ‘Gift-Giving in the Proper Dickens Spirit’, here. You can also read Molly Katz and Erin Horáková’s post about dogs in David Copperfield here. A flurry of short encounters...

Article in Progress: “Then, I go among the Germans”: Klein Dorrit (1934)

This post has been contributed by Andrea Schmidt, who is currently a Visiting Instructor of German at Willamette University. She has research interests in nineteenth century British/German literatures and contemporary film.  In an era of rising nationalism, a Czech born director brought an adaptation of...

Gift-Giving in the Proper Dickens Spirit

This post has been contributed by Clara Defilippis.   Throughout Little Dorrit, Dickens peppers his narrative with individuals who give and receive favors and gifts. In his treatment of presents and tokens within the novel, Dickens contrasts the prideful and manipulative behavior of Mr. Dorrit...