Tag: Vladimir Nabokov

Nabokov’s Father as “an Authority on Dickens”: Part Two

This post has been contributed by Renata Goroshkova, St. Petersburg State University, Russia. Read her previous posts here and here. This post is in two parts. Read the first part here. The next article was written with an academic purpose, and aimed to give a...

Nabokov’s Father as “an Authority on Dickens”: Part One

This post has been contributed by Renata Goroshkova, St. Petersburg State University, Russia. Read her previous posts here and here. This post is in two parts. Read the second part here. Vladimir Nabokov writes to Edmund Wilson in a letter of 1950: “My father had...

How Dickens’s dwarf inspired Nabokov

Contributed by Renata Goroshkova, St. Petersburg State University, Russia. Read Renata’s post on the reception of Dickens’s Christmas stories in Russia here. While Charles Dickens often turned to topics of charity and justice for the underprivileged in his novels, stories and articles, the prose of...