Dickensian Afterlives through Adaptation

This post has been contributed by Maureen England. With a topic like Dickens and Adaptation, the annual Dickens Society symposium was sure to include discussions of the myriad ways in which Dickens, his works, and his characters live outside of Dickens’s control and his own...

Adapting Dickens, 11-13 July 2016

The following post provides a summary of the 2016 Dickens Society symposium, Adapting Dickens. Submit your abstract for our 2017 symposium, ‘Interdisciplinary Dickens’, taking place July 14-16 2017  at the College of General Studies, Boston University, here. Contributors: Catherine Quirk, Lydia Craig, Laurie Strickland, Maureen...

Dickens Society Blog: Call for Posts

This month the Dickens Society will be launching the Dickens Society Blog, aimed at disseminating Dickensian research both amongst the Society’s membership and to the larger academic community. We welcome ongoing submissions from researchers at any career level on any topic relating to Dickens’s life,...