
Literary Explorations are Just a CLiC Away! Dr Michaela Mahlberg on the CLiC Dickens Project

This review is contributed by Mads Golding, a playwright, writer, and independent scholar who focuses on Charles Dickens and the long 19th century. She is a staff writer for The Dickens Society. Dr. Michaela Mahlberg spoke at the 28th annual Dickens Society Conference to announce...

My Personal Journey with Dear Mr. Dickens

This post is contributed by Nancy Churnin, author of Dear Mr. Dickens. The question that propelled Dear Mr. Dickens, my children’s book which won the 2021 National Jewish Book Award, was how could a man as great-hearted and compassionate as Charles Dickens have created the...

Great Expectations and Furnace Creek: A Serendipitous Match

Contributed by Joseph A. Boone, PhD, author of Furnace Creek and Professor of English and Gender Studies at the University of Southern California. Great Expectations crossed with the American South of the 1960s? Pip as a proto-queer youth, caught pleasuring himself on a Civil War relic...

Connecting the Dots…

This post is contributed by our new blog co-editor, Michelle Crowther. Michelle is a Learning and Research Librarian at Canterbury Christ Church University in Kent and also a PhD candidate. She can be found on Twitter at @HumLib_cccu. My research is in writing groups and...

Anti-racism Statement of the Charles Dickens Society

In light of the murder of George Floyd by members of the Minneapolis Police Department, the even more recent shooting of Jacob Blake, and the other unconscionable acts of violence inflicted lately and too routinely upon members of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities...

The Use of Dickens in Popular Fiction: ‘Spirited’ by Julie Cohen

By Deborah Siddoway The ‘making of fiction is an inseparable part of his being.’ So said Peter Ackroyd of Dickens in his 1990 biography of the inimitable author. [1] And as we now commemorate the life of Dickens in the 150th year since his death,...

Call for Posts for the Dickens Society Blog

The Dickens Society Blog is under new editorship! Dr Katie Bell and Katie Holdway are looking for engaging submissions from scholars at all career stages on any aspect of Dickensian research. For the fall/winter term of 2020, we particularly welcome posts from researchers new to...

#Dickens150: The First Global Online Gathering for Dickens

This conference report has been contributed by Renata Goroshkova, St. Petersburg State University, Russia. Read her most recent posts here and here. June 9 will definitely go down in the history of Dickens studies since it marked the first online large-scale zoom conference. #Dickens150, organized...

A New Dickensian Venture

“I heard some voices, familiar in my ears I thought” Bleak House, ch. 37 The Dickens Society is excited to announce their latest venture in all things Dickensian, this one carefully curated for your ears, and thus for your walks, commutes, and relaxation. That’s right,...

Royal Doulton Dickens at The American Toby Jug Museum: Imitations of the Inimitable

Contributed by Lydia Craig, Loyola University Chicago Ever since the invention of Toby Jugs in the 1760s in Northern England, these collectibles have been bought and sold by people fascinated by the range of their creative potential. Technically, “A Toby Jug is a figural ceramic...