Tag: Oliver Twist

“Out With Time”, a book review

Out With Time, a prequel to Oliver Twist, is available through Barnes & Noble. This review is contributed by Mads Golding, a playwright, writer, and independent scholar who focuses on Charles Dickens and the long 19th century. Out With Time is a delightful, speculative prequel...

“Forget Charles Dickens”: Navigating the Dickensian at The Workhouse, Southwell

This post is contributed by Dr Charlotte May who is a Heritage Learning Officer and Knowledge Exchange Fellow at the University of Nottingham. She specializes in eighteenth and nineteenth-century correspondence and is currently transcribing the letters of the subject of her PhD thesis, Samuel Rogers....

The Bleak Old Shop of Stuff—TV Christmas Special Review

This post is contributed by Mads Golding. Mads is a playwright and writer currently pursuing an MA in English literature at Loyola University, Chicago. Her research interests include Dickens, Shakespeare, and theater. Mads currently serves as a member of the communications committee for The Dickens...

Tribute to David Paroissien, Long-time DS Member and Former DQ Editor

  Tributes and condolences for family and friends can be left by clicking the “Comment” link above, to the right of the date.   David Paroissien died peacefully, reading a book at ten in the evening on 8 September 2021, at his home in Oxford....

Royal Doulton Dickens at The American Toby Jug Museum: Imitations of the Inimitable

Contributed by Lydia Craig, Loyola University Chicago Ever since the invention of Toby Jugs in the 1760s in Northern England, these collectibles have been bought and sold by people fascinated by the range of their creative potential. Technically, “A Toby Jug is a figural ceramic...

The Magic of Dickens’s Southwark

This post has been contributed by Amanda Harvey Purse. When we think of ‘Dickens’s London’, we may not instantly think of the borough of Southwark. This district however, packed a powerful punch for him, so much so that it played a vital role in Charles’s...

“He may just go to the Devil”: The Stormy Collaboration of Dickens and Cruikshank

This post has been contributed by Laurena Tsudama. In a letter to his publisher John Macrone on October 19, 1836, the young author Charles Dickens wrote: “I have long believed Cruikshank to be mad; and his letter therefore, surprises me, not a jot. If you...

Oliver! Captivate Theatre

This post has been contributed by Erin Horáková. Read her previous posts here and here. “Oliver, never before has a boy—“ no, sorry. I have come to review Captivate Theatre’s Edinburgh Fringe production of Oliver! at the Rose Theatre, not to launch into the big...

Boz Reinvented: the Many Modern Faces of Charles Dickens

This post has been contributed by Katie Bell, in response to the 22nd annual Dickens Society Symposium, held in Boston, 14-16 July 2017. Read the storify from the conference here: Day One, Day Two, and Day Three. Read her first post for the Dickens Society...