Tag: animals

“The Objectionable Dog”: Dog and Master as Metaphor in Little Dorrit

This post has been contributed by Clara Defilippis. Read her first post for the Dickens Society blog, ‘Gift-Giving in the Proper Dickens Spirit’, here. You can also read Molly Katz and Erin Horáková’s post about dogs in David Copperfield here. A flurry of short encounters...

Using the Whole Animal: Domestic Economy in The Charles Dickens Cookbook

This post has been contributed by Christian Dickinson.   In 1980, Brenda Marshall brought out The Charles Dickens Cookbook, a text which features a brilliantly eclectic mix of dishes and recipes from the mid-Victorian Era, based on the writings of the Inimitable himself. In the...

“Take Care of Him. He Bites”: Dogs in David Copperfield

This post has been contributed by Molly Katz and Erin Horáková. David Copperfield’s idyllic childhood is marked by the absence of dogs. He is brought into the world by Dr. Chillip, “the meekest of his sex, the mildest of little men…he hadn’t a word to...

Man and Meat: A Christmas Carol’s Cannibalistic Menace in Historical Perspective

This post has been contributed by Lydia Craig. First the villain and then the hero of Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol (1843), the cold-hearted and wealthy businessman Ebenezer Scrooge initially refuses to empathize with or financially contribute towards the nourishment of London’s poor until bullied,...

Dickens Society Blog: Call for Posts

Last year, the Dickens Society launched the Dickens Society Blog, aimed at disseminating Dickensian research both amongst the Society’s membership and to the larger academic community. We welcome ongoing submissions from researchers at any career level on any topic relating to Dickens’s life, work, or...