Escape to the country: Dickens in rural England

This post is contributed by Catherine Peck, a PhD research student in English Literature at the University of Surrey. Her research explores the cultural and social history of the English country cottage and how it is represented in nineteenth-century literature. Her research is supported by...

Call for Bursary Applications: Dickens Under Glass (Rochester, NY)

The Dickens Society annually provides bursaries to support the scholarly development of graduate students, independent scholars, and untenured faculty. For our Symposium in Rochester, NY this year, we will be offering bursaries for various social media responsibilities and assistance during the event. We will be...

“where the things that might have been, and never were, are always wandering:” The Fireside and Subjectivity

This post was contributed by Céleste Callen, a PhD student at The University of Edinburgh. Her doctoral research focuses on time and subjective temporal experience in Dickens’s fiction, by reading his fiction through the lens of Henri Bergson’s philosophy. She can be found on Twitter...

The Bleak Old Shop of Stuff—TV Christmas Special Review

This post is contributed by Mads Golding. Mads is a playwright and writer currently pursuing an MA in English literature at Loyola University, Chicago. Her research interests include Dickens, Shakespeare, and theater. Mads currently serves as a member of the communications committee for The Dickens...

Deep Impressions: Dickens’s Encounters with Houselessness

This post has been contributed by Dr. Trish Bredar, a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Alice Kaplan Institute for the Humanities at Northwestern University. Her research focuses on representations of physical mobility in British literature of the long nineteenth century, with particular interests in gender, walking,...

Charles Dickens’s Unwitting Victory over American Literary Pirates

This post was contributed by Dr. Adam Epp. Adam recently completed his PhD on Charles Dickens’s brand at the University of Saskatchewan. He is currently studying Dickens’s brand in Canada and is aiming to publish an article about Dickens and debtors’ prisons. Adam can be reached...

Curating Beyond COVID at the Charles Dickens Museum

This post has been contributed by Dr. Katherine Kim, assistant professor at Molloy University in New York. Katherine’s other recent projects have been book chapters and articles on Edgar Allan Poe, Charlotte Brontë’s Villette, and Joseph Sheridan LeFanu’s “Schalken the Painter,” and “Bluebeard.” Her article...

The David Paroissien Prize

The David Paroissien Prize is awarded each year to the best peer-reviewed essay on Dickens published in a journal or edited collection. The Prize is named for David Paroissien, a founding member of the Dickens Society and also the founder of Dickens Quarterly, which he edited from its...

Illustrating Bleak House

This post is contributed by Gerry Mooney, a (now retired) commercial artist and illustrator from New York. Mooney is also a longtime Charles Dickens fan and he has embarked on a project to illustrate Dickens’s great Bleak House. Mooney can be found online  ...

My Personal Journey with Dear Mr. Dickens

This post is contributed by Nancy Churnin, author of Dear Mr. Dickens. The question that propelled Dear Mr. Dickens, my children’s book which won the 2021 National Jewish Book Award, was how could a man as great-hearted and compassionate as Charles Dickens have created the...