If He Could Turn Back Time: Scrooge’s Missing Hours in A Christmas Carol

Contributed by Christian Sidney Dickinson, Baptist College of Florida At the end of the First Stave of Charles Dickens’s Christmas classic, A Christmas Carol (1843), a disturbed Scrooge, after having conversed with the ghost of his long-departed (we know better than to say ‘dear’) business...

Call for Interview Participants at the 24th Annual Dickens Symposium

The 24th Annual Dickens Symposium Utah Valley University Salt Lake City, Utah  26-28 July 2019 Overview: A series of filmed interviews will be uploaded to the Dickens Society’s official YouTube channel and advertised on its social media accounts following the conference.These short videos will highlight...

Don’t miss Jeremy Parrott on the Dickens Society YouTube Channel

In the newest Dickens film on our YouTube channel, Dr. Jeremy Parrott (Honorary Research Fellow, University of Buckingham) describes his process of establishing the authorship and writing the biographies of formerly unknown or obscure contributors to Charles Dickens’s periodical All the Year Round. After famously...

Dickens and Language: The 23rd Annual Dickens Society Symposium

This post has been contributed by Bethan Carney and Carolyn Gonzalez At the tail end of July 2018, in a blistering heatwave,  more than 80Dickens Society members converged on the picturesque town of Tübingen, Germany for the 23rd Annual Dickens Society Symposium. Travelling from all...

The Lost Portrait

This post has been contributed by Dr. Katie Bell. Read her previous posts here and here. In describing Charles Dickens’s eyes, Frederic George Kitton discovered so many diverse opinions that he concluded Dickens’s eyes must have had “chameleon-like qualities.”[1]  Kitton explains that some accounts told...

The Dickens Society on YouTube

The Dickens Society has a new YouTube channel, which can be accessed here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDQ-rsLWgE1DRSncE97iUdg. In the coming weeks, we will feature a Spotlight series that presents ongoing research projects by Dickensian scholars. Filmed during the 2018 Tübingen, Germany conference at Karls Eberhard University, the following interviewees...

Dickens Society Blog: Call for Posts

The Dickens Society Blog aims to disseminate Dickensian research amongst the Society’s membership, the larger academic community, and the interested public. We welcome ongoing submissions from researchers at any career level on any topic relating to Dickens’s life, work, or world – if you would...

“Revising” Dickens: The Author as Scrooge in Oak Park Festival’s A Dickens Carol

Contributed by Lydia Craig, Loyola University Chicago             A recent adaptation of Charles Dickens’s 1843 novella A Christmas Carol, entitled A Dickens Carol and directed by Kevin Theis, just experienced its second run at Oak Park Festival Theatre in Chicago, IL in December 2018. Playwright...

Christmas Music in A Christmas Carol in Prose

This post has been contributed by Renata Goroshkova, St. Petersburg State University, Russia. Read Renata’s other posts here and here. Charles Dickens came to reading age during the blossoming of Romanticism (1, p. 31), and Romantic ideas were the ground on which Charles Dickens was...

Call for Expressions of Interest: Dickens Quarterly Editorship

The Dickens Society, in consultation with the Dickens Quarterly Editorial Board, solicits expressions of interest in the role of editor for the Dickens Quarterly. David Paroissien, who has served the journal as editor with inimitable commitment, wisdom, and élan since 1983, has announced that he...